Hujung minggu ini memang banyak jemputan ke Majlis Sambutan Aidilfitri dan Majlis Perkahwinan di seluruh negeri Perak. Tidak semua tempat dapat diraikan dan orang kanan suami telah menyusun beberapa tempat yang perlu diutamakan untuk dikunjungi.
Lokasi pertama yang dikunjungi pada hari ini ialah Majlis Aidilfitri PAS Kawasan Kampar yang diadakan di Dewan Majlis Daerah Kinta Selatan, Kampar. Di majlis pagi tadi antara isi ucapan suami ialah mengajak semua bersyukur kehadrat ilahi di atas nikmat perubahan yang telah diberikan. Sudah berpuluh tahun rakyat dinafikan hak untuk menggunakan kemudahan hak milik kerajaan disebabkan berbezanya fahaman politik. Tahun-tahun sebelum ini, PAS menganjurkan rumah terbuka di kampung-kampung dengan ruang tempat yang kecil dan tidak sesuai. Alhamdulillah, dengan kemenangan pakatan rakyat pada PRU ke-12, semua pihak tidak mengira parti, bangsa dan agama boleh menggunakan kemudahan kerajaan dengan bebas selagi bertepatan dengan syarat.
Suami juga mengajak seluruh hadirin yang hadir tidak mengira bangsa Melayu, Cina, Sikh, India dan Orang Asli untuk kembali kepada fitrah kejadian manusia yang menuntut kepada segala kebaikan dan menolak kemungkaran dan berpegang kepada agama Islam yang sebenar-benarnya.
Selepas jamuan makan, saya dan suami bersama Pegawai Khas bergerak menuju ke Jahang. Perjalanan kami dari Kampar ke Jahang diiringi oleh 40 buah motosikal berkuasa tinggi yang secara sukarela turut bersama meraikan majlis di Jahang.
Istimewa jamuan Aidilfitri di Jahang, menu makan tengahari adalah masakan kampung yang amat menyelerakan. Kami makan bersila dengan suasana hutan disekeliling dan berhampiran tempat makan terdapat pula anak sungai.
Dari Jahang kami bertolak ke Malim Nawar dan Solat Zohor berjemaah di Masjid Malim Nawar sebelum bergerak ke rumah Pak Utih menghadiri majlis perkahwinan sepupu sebelah suami. Pak Utih merupakan adik kepada arwah ayah suami. Selesai menghadiri majlis kenduri kami kembali ke Ipoh dan terus ke Sungai Rokam bagi menghadiri Jamuan Aidilfitri anjuran PAS Kawasan Tambun dan Gopeng. Dalam masa yang sama pihak JKKK Sungai Rokam dan Pejabat Agama Daerah Ipoh turut menganjurkan Program Keperihatinan Kekeluargaan dan Kemasyarakatan.
Disebelah petang acara dimulakan dengan ucapan Ahli Parlimen Gopeng Dr. Lee Boon Chye, Exco YB Nga Kor Ming dan Ucapan Dato' Seri Menteri Besar. Jamuan diadakan sejurus selepas itu dan kemudian diadakan persembahan Nasyid daripada SM Izzuddin Shah dan Persembahan Anak-Anak Ad-Din. Program disebelah malam ialah program Selingkar Kisah Trajis daripada Puan Norlaila Othman bersama seorang anaknya yang derita akibat suaminya dikenakan tahanan Akta Kejam ISA sejak 7 tahun. Selepas itu forum "Mengapa Islam Menghormati Wanita" diadakan dengan para panelis terdiri daripada Ust Norazli Musa, Ust Dasuki Abd Rani dan Ustzh Rahmah Md Isa.
Saya dan suami hanya dapat menghadiri majlis di Sungai Rokam pada disebelah petang kerana dalam masa sejam ketika saya menulis entry ini, saya dan suami perlu ke Taiping untuk menghadiri majlis bersama Paduka Seri Sultan Perak di Sekolah King Edward VII, Taiping.
I almost cant recognise you and Nizar now. I arrive at your blog by chance when l surf on Tapah. Good to see you and Nizar. I remember Nizar a log time ago when he just returned from UK and paid me a visit at Opah's house. He was an undergraduate then. I am now living in the UK. Pls send my warmest regards to your sister Raudhah, your eldest sister ( l forgot her name ), your brother Wahab and Mohamad, your mum and all our cousins there still in Tapah.
Dear Jacques,
Thanks for your respond n surfing my website. Tapahan, what are you doing in UK? I was in UK last year June with whole family. We stayed in Birmingham. Travalled to Swansea, a night at the Lake District, couple of days in Manchester then to Glasgow & Edinburgh.
Dato Seri Nizar just took office March this year and of course i followed him.
My Eldest daughter (Faatihah) got married in June this year. Raudhah & Poziah are both fine. Wahab & Nazri are doing ok. Mohd is Sick. My mother in bed ridden and living with Raudhah in Tapah.
Please pray for her well being. Take care and do visit my website again.
Dear Fatimah,
Thanks for responding. I forgot to ask news about Idris and Yop Hawaii. Also on the side of Nizar's cousins; Othman, Sabaruddin, Abd. Rahman, Zaharah, Rogayah, Hayati. I called my sister in Taiping and she was not aware that you are now the wife of the Chief Minister of Perak. I knew Nizar fondly as Tan when he was young. BTW, l am working here after completing my Masters. Of course l will pray for Mak Cik Azizah. I will pay her a visit the next time when l am in Malaysia.
Dear Hassan/Jacques
Assalamu ‘alaikum
Thanks for your immediate respond in my blog. Thanks also for your sincere prayers for my ailing mother. She is now bed ridden
And staying with sis Raudhah. Her two children (Ridzuan and Linda) are already working in KL as banking officers. Idris (Nyah Eh) is still a long haul container driver residing in KL. Yop Usop (Hawaii) is very sick in KL and all his three children (Ina, Fendi and Lin) are married and working in KL.
All anak Pak Dollah/Wah are doing fine and accepting the new perak Pakatan Rakyat government. Yob man, Nyah Zarah, Gayah, Ree, Uddin, Raman and Yati are working but Pak dollah(Ayah Chik) is ageing badly. His sight and hearing are greatly deteriorated and currently staying with Nyah Zarah in Chemor.
By the way, selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin. When are you coming back to Tapah? Pak chik Desa (anak Opah Wah, Taiping) passed away but we couldn’t attend. Recently, his other son also passed away.
Anyway, good to hear from you. Kindly announce for the Malaysians in the UK to be supportive of the Pakatan Rakyat govt, which is controlling 5 states now. Umno-BN is still squabbling among themselves. Do pray for our safety and security. Wassalam
Dear DS Fatimah,
I am grateful for the up-dates. It's so refreshing to know about the family after a gap of almost 20years. Although l return to Malaysia annually for my Holidays, l have never stopped at Tapah except once which must have been about 5 years ago to visit my old school and also visiting the place where l was born which is next to your house. Of course the house was no longer there.
I am extremely happy and very proud to hear about you and l have passed news to my sisters in Kluang and Taiping. I am so suprised that they have very little information about you. Perhaps they do not surf the net as much as l do or perhaps they dont surf at all.
I am sorry to hear about your mum and equally sorry to hear about both your elder brother Yop Hawaii and Mohamad. On the other hand, l am delighted to hear that many of your cousins are doing well and progressing upward. Yes...l still remember them.
I hope you will look after yourself and your family. It is true the higher you go, there will always be people who will want to see you fall and fail. I am very confident though that DS Nizar is more than capable to handle himself and is the best man fit to be the Chief Minister. He has the best education and the background to see Perak move progressively forward. His educational credentials speak volume on his qualities and abilities. His commitment to the job and his enthusiasm will win the respect and the trust of every rakyat now and in the years ahead.
The political scenario in Malaysia is rapidly changing. Rakyat is no longer riddled with guilt for not voting the BN. Rakyat now are more politically alert. They will vote for a clean government. They will want transparency. They will want to see that the security of their future, the economy of the country is well looked after. They want to see peace and stability. They want to make sure that leaders are close to the rakyat, walk hand in hand and they will also want to see leaders who are honest, sincere and those who want to work for the benefit of the people and not for personal gain.
And the victory given to Pakatan Rakyat is proof that it has all the qualities required and the rakyat has given the trust and mandate for PR to govern. I am confident that Pakatan Rakyat will strengthen itself and will be a party that every Malaysian, young and old, near or far, Malaysians of all colours, will vote for in the future.
I pray to Allah, may you have the energy, the strength, the drive, the wisdom and the time to fulfil all your duties and obligations as mother of your beautiful children and also as a wife of the Chief Minister. I read your daily schedule and l wonder if you ever have any time for a rest. What a transformation that you are going through now. I bet you will not have time to watch 'pyar ka mausam' anymore.
OK DS Fatimah. Really nice to hear from you. I have book marked your blog and l will visit you from time to time.
Regards to everybody there.
Kami Warga Rumah Anak-anak Yatim & Warga Miskin Budi Mulia Nurul Huda dengan berbesar hati ingin menjemput Datin Seri Hajjah sekeluarga serta pengunjung blog ini ke Majlis Ramah Mesra Aidil Fitri Bersama Anak-anak Yatim
Tarikh : Ahad, 19hb Oktober 2008 bersamaan 19 Syawal, 1429
Masa : 12.00 Tengahari
Tempat : Rumah Budi Mulia Nurul Huda
Alamat : Lot 429 & 431 , Kampung Tersusun Tanah Hitam, 32100 Chemor, Perak
Telefon : 016-568 2465 & 016-591 5980
Turut mengundang : Seisi keluarga
Semoga dengan kehadiran tuan-tuan & puan-puan akan menyerikan lagi majlis ini.
Terima kasih di atas jemputan dari Rumah Anak Yatim/Warga Miskin Budimulia. InsyaAllah saya akan bersama di dalam majlis tersebut.
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Kami dari warga Anak-anak yatim Budimulia ingin mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada Datin Seri serta ahli rombongan kerana sudi menghadiri majlis kami. Semoga dilain waktu kita semua bertemu lagi... InsyaAllah.
Terima kasih sekali lagi.
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